Let's Eat Weeds - Bittercress (碎米荠)
Kidding aside, this is my second attempt to eat weeds growing in my garden, and I found out that bittercress (hairy) is actually edible. Hurray! More free food and how can you beat this "locally" source seasonal food! You can at the same time clear up your garden from weeds and save some money from your weekly food shopping!
I mixed finely chopped bittercress and some surprises (mustard and chards that survived the winter) I found from the garden and mixed them with homemade partially salted eggs and fresh eggs for this delicious spring vegetable omelette.
The bittercress as its name suggested has a hint of bitterness, but I rather like it with the salted eggs. It has a refreshing "spring" flavour in it..Give it a try! (I am not dead yet few hours after eating the weeds!)
You can see my first attempt of eating weeds here.
Note from http://eatt1.tripod.com/amp9.html
Medicinal plants of the Cruciferae family
Bitter cress (Cardamine hirsuta) is a herb that is found throughout Europe. It is usually found in shaded valleys and cultivated places throughout the island. Its white flowers are in bloom between January and April. Its leaves have a culinary use due to their hot and peppery taste. Medicinally, it was used for the treatment of vitamin C deficiency and skin problems and as a diuretic.