Steamed Chicken Marinated with Ginseng Powder
Very simple to make but quite nutritious. According to Wikipedia..." Folk medicine attributes various benefits to oral use of American ginseng and Asian ginseng (P. ginseng) roots, including roles as an aphrodisiac,stimulant, type II diabetes treatment, or cure for sexual dysfunction in men"...Hahaha...Now you know what you have to eat to to make you a "STRONG" man!!
- 2 chicken legs
- Approximately 2 tbsp (I grind some ginseng root into powder for dish)
- 1 tbsp sea salt (you can use more salt for this dish so then you can use the sauce to flavour your rice)
- 5 tbsp sweet glutinous rice wine
Marinate the chicken pieces with ginseng powder, salt and the sweet glutinous rice wine. Set aside for at least 30mins or longer.
Once marinated, steamed the chicken over high heat boiling water until it is fully cooked.
This dish is best serves with plain white rice. Flavour the rice with the juices from the chicken...YUM!
For the dipping sauce, mixed together the following ingredients:
- 1 tbsp minced ginger,
- 2 stalks of finely chopped spring onion
- Few crushed fresh coriander seeds (or few coriander stalks) for more intense flavour than using the leaves.
- 1 generous tbsp light soy sauce
- 1 tbsp sesame oil,
- 3 generous tbsp fried onion and the oil. (Slowly caramelised finely chopped onion in generous amount of oil)